First 30 crucial days at new PM role

Nusrat Fatima
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

If you’re new to Product Manager domain or switching to a new company, this is for you.

Be it a seven resource startup, an MNC or a mid level company, how you advance your first 30 days as a Product Manager decides the course of your actions for long term, your own success and the company’s criterion.

Here are a few tips:

A. Personal Goals:

  1. Know your product

You are hired for a position where you would stand answerable to every stakeholder. Knowing your product with bird’s eye view gives you absolute picture of what you are into. Make use of your fresh eyes for the product.

2. Know your scope

Get to know your scope, your genre and the expectations from your role. Make a very clear picture of it in your mind, document everything.

3. Never forget to be humble

Don’t make quick judgements about the product, people, work culture or policies but ask question. It never hurts to ask questions when you are new and Be Humble!

B. Product Goals:

  1. Arrange meetings with tech team

Get to know your tech team, what the product design is, what the architecture of the tech is. Getting to know your product from the eyes of a tech guy always gives a brighter picture. Ask a lot of questions.

2. Always grasp existing product first.

Get to know the why’s and how’s of the product and what impact certain features have on business and brand value. Instead of making suggesting changes in first 30 days, grab all the information already existing.

3. Spend a lot of time in customer.

For first fifteen days at least, spend a lot of time auditing/barging in customer care calls. Getting to know the pain paints of the customer/client always gives an edge.

C. People Goals:

1. Know your team members

People are the backbone of any industry, get to know people. Arrange a lot of one-on-one, team meetings whenever they/you get time. Know how information flows between teams, how ideas are progressed and how teams mingle.

2. Wait and introduce yourself

Whenever in a meeting, get yourself to know the people you’re gonna interact with. Know the top skills of the people be it anything or work related. Make yourself known and your expertise too so that they would take interest into.

